Michelle Soong. the greatest friend ever. GONE. but coming back! HAHAH. actually she went to australia and it feels like she's never coming back. ohh shiters. dahla when she comes back i won't be here. will be in BALI. ARGHHH!!! omgomgomg. i have too many things to tell her which have been givin me headaches every single night. well, also in the day sometimes when i'm really jobless with nothing to do.
anywhoo, dahla bila aku bangun tidur and wanna get out of bed with a half-asleep version of me; *plop* goes my feet into the dustbin next to my bed. (nasib baik bersih) but like, it really gives me a shock. dunno why i haven't removed it from that spot though (got any ideas why i say i'm lazy?)
well the dustbin doesn't only shock me when i wake up every morning. it's like, anytime i wanna get out of bed i go, "eek!" and if mama is walking past my room at the time that i squeal she goes "oh, masok tong sampah lagi lah tu". i don't even get the point of having a dustbin next to my bed because i DO NOT USE IT. bodoh kan? i don't think i need the answer for that. saya gila pandai *sarcastic tone*
well, since i'm still jobless and dunno what to say, i shall quote some famous people.
"kuku i pergi patah"-zetty nurhusna.
"orang tengah meninggal, kita pergi dating"-zetty nurhusna.
"oh makanlah smartshop!"-anis nadira.
"ehh? Alhamdulillah."-michelle soong.
"chis kertejut!"-mukhlis murzany.(7 years old. supposed to be "chis terkejut")
"alaa mana cheat! abang dengan shane dapat pergi bali!"-mukhlis murzany.
"aliss, aliss tak dapat pergi jalan2. ara pergi suratbayar."-maisarah murzany.(6 years old. mukhlis' sister)
"ehh klingg, u want to see my blingg?!"-mubin murzany. kot.
"ehh blingg, u want to see my klingg?!"-khairul azeem.
well i have a whole lot more but like gila malas to write lahh. see?? again i tell you, i'm lazy. HAHAH. anywhoo, i still miss michelle.
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4 weeks ago
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