Thursday, November 27, 2008


So I was bored today and was damn malas to continue typing my ideas in this other post that i'm working on.

I went to a few good joke websites and I came across some jokes that I thought were funny.
Read if you're rajin enough la.(:


Spelling Poem

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea

It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

Good Writing Advice

In promulgating your esoteric cogitations or articulating your superficial sentimentalities and amicable philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity.

Let your conversational communications possess a compacted conciseness, a clarified comprehensibility, a coalescent cogency and a concatenated consistency.

Eschew obfuscation and all conglomeration of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine affectations.

Let your extemporaneous descants and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and voracious vivacity without rodomontade or thrasonical bombast.

Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pompous prolificacy and vain vapid verbosity.

If you are really interested to know, the above means: "Be brief and don't use big words."

The Water Closet

A certain English lady visited Switzerland and was having difficulty finding a room, so she asked the local schoolmaster to help her. After a satisfactory room had been found, she returned to her home and did some packing.

Suddenly, it occured to her that she hadn't noticed a W.C. (in England, the toilet is called a Water Closet), so she wrote the schoolmaster about the W.C.

The Schoolmaster, not knowing the meaning, asked the parish priest and together they decided that it must mean "Wayside Chapel." He wrote her the following letter:

Dear Madame,

It is my pleasure to inform you that there is a W.C. just 9 miles from your home, in the center of a grove of pine trees. It seats 229 people, and it is open on Thursdays and Sundays. This is an unfortunate situation if you are in the habit of going regularly. You will, no
doubt, be glad to hear that some people bring their lunches and make a day of it.

I would especially recommend Thursdays, for then there is an Organ accompaniment. The accoustics in the W.C. are excellent; even the most delicate sound can be heard.

My son was married in the W.C. and there was such a rush for seats that 10 people had to sit in the same seat. The looks on their faces were very interesting.

My wife is sickly but dedicated. She doesn't go regularly, and she hasn't gone for nearly a year.

I will be glad to reserve a seat in the W.C. for you, where you will be seen and heard by everyone.

Hoping I have been of some assistance.

Sincerely yours,
The Schoolmaster

The Difference A Little Punctuation Makes

Dear John:

I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy - will you let me be yours?


Dear John:

I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being
useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?



Your Everyday Confucious Jokes

Confucious say: Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient.

Confucious say: Man who leap off cliff jump to conclusion.

Confucious say: Man who love and loses, have not right lawyer.

Confucious say: Man who pushes piano down mineshaft get A flat miner.

Confucious say: Man with one chopstick go hungry.

Confucious say: Man who put head on railroad track get splitting headache.

Confucious say: Man who scratches backside should not bite fingernails.

Confucious say: Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.

Confucious say: Man who stand on toilet high on pot.

Confucious say: Crowded elevator smell different to midget.

Confucious say: He who eats too many prunes, sits on potty many moons.

Confucious say: Man who make love to girl on hill...he not on level.

Confucious say: Honeymoon over when man who whispered sweet nothings before now say nothing sweet.

Confucious say: Man who jumps through screen door likely to strain himself.

Confucious say: Man who drive like hell bound to get there..

Confucious say: Marriage is like game of poker. You start with pair and end with full house.

Confucious say: People who make Confucius joke speak bad English. 

Funny Answering Machine


Hi. This is John: If you are the phone company, I already sent the money. If you are my parents, please send money. If you are my financial aid institution, you didn't lend me enough money. If you are my friends, you owe me money. If you are a female, don't worry, I have plenty of money.


I can't come to the phone now because I have amnesia and I feel stupid talking to people I don't remember. I'd appreciate it if you could help me out by leaving my name and telling me something about myself. Thanks.


I can't come to the phone now, so if, well, actually, I CAN come to the phone now, I mean, like, I'm at the phone NOW, recording this message, but I'm doing this NOW, while you're listening to it LATER, except for you I guess it's NOW, like, when you're listening to it... I mean, like, wait, gosh. This is so confusing.

I wanted to post Yo Momma jokes as well but then there are too many nice ones.;p

OKAY end of jokes. LOL. I just can't post the other entry yet because I'm thinking of what to wear for Anwar's party. Hmm GREEN & RED, GREEN & RED, GREEN & RED..... Any ideas, people??? Hahah I feel pathetic.

Okies byebye.(:


OHHH P/S: this is a shoutout to Wunnie. She wanted me to say stuff bout her for her profile thingy so here goes.

Wunnie is funny, Wunnie is cool. I've never really met her, though I've seen her once at tuition. We never talked in real life, but she's really nice. Pretty pretty girl. Takes nice pictures.*jealoussss* And always a good friend to those who are her friends. Cute, nice, pretty, friendly; Wunnie is a good friend.(babe jom lepak one day?XD)  (:

okay now byebye; for real.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Courteeners.

So currently I'm in LOVE with The Courteeners. They're a British indie band though I'm not completely in touch with the indie side of the music world that much. Its just the way they present their music I guess, I dunno. Forgive Durden ain't that bad either. The title of this post actually has nothing to do with The Courteeners. 

Did I tell you that I managed to change my two kittens' names and leave it that way for the last time. Most of you probably don't know this but I adopted a white kitten a few months ago and after my house was flooded, a black and white one came to us so we took her in. At first the white kitten's name was Sweet Pea before adopted and I changed it to Snowflake. Unfortunately, living with maids who pronounce it like this "Se No Plek" is quite annoying so I changed it to Katt. After we found out that Katt was in fact a MALE kitten, I left the name as Katt and waited till I had the perfect name for him.

The black and white kitten was initially named Spotty. When we found out that it was a FEMALE kitten, I waited for the right name to pop up in my mind. Aunty Fareea came over one day and since we were bored, we thought of names for them. In the end, we named them Casper and Cassie. The names are short, sensible, and they respond to their respective names which made me relieved that we finally got them proper names. Even though my maids call them "Per" and "Sie", They finally got the hang of adding the word "Cas" in front of the kittens' names. THANK YOU, GOD.

Despite what I just told you, this wasn't the point of this post. We'll get to the main point now.
OKAY, believe it or not, I NEVER watched The Game Plan ever since it came out in theatres until YESTERDAY. Can't blame me though, I used to be such a sad person leading a sad and horrific life. 

ANYWHOOOO, in the movie, Peyton had a Bedazzler right?? That's EXACTLY what I wanna have! It's SO COOL. I mean, she may be a kid and all but people use it. No, no, my mistake. GROWN people use it too!! 

To those who do NOT know what a Bedazzler is, it's like a sewing machine/stapler used to fasten rhinestones, studs and patches to material, clothes and accessories like phones or cameras and all. It's been out since 1970 and it's NOT SOLD in Malaysia! UGHHHH!!!
Being a lover of all things with BLING, I feel so disheartened that they don't sell it in Malaysia. So whoever goes overseas and wants to get me a souvenir, "get me a Bedazzleplease?" If it's too expensive for you then I'd pay you back for it. Ngeeheeeee.

I mean, all this while I wanted to crystalize my phone and camera and laptop and even some of my clothes and stuff, I thought it would be so ma fan to do it with super glue and them little crystals one by one and if got one mistake then bu hao kan liao. I WANT A BEDAZZLERRRRRRRR.
I need to blingify my things with ease, in peace and full of jakunism.

I totally realize that I like using chinese terms in my sentences now. I mean I do it a lot at home, but not outside. I dunno why though. Hahaha, malu laa. I'm seriously scared that I make a terrible mistake and people start laughing at me

THIS, my friends; is the amazing Bedazzler:

They even have a MINI Bedazzler

I just remembered why I'm adding Chinese to my sentences. Mom's been telling me to speak Mandarin more often because we're going to Lan Zhou to visit her 4th aunt. I CANNOT WAIT to go. Winter here I come!

On to 90210. I've finished watching all 11 episodes of the show but I am so pissed that there are more episodes but they're only gonna be aired in JANUARY! AHH the long wait.

I have to say despite the fact that Navid Shirazi is a nerd, he and Adrianna Duncan make such a cute couple! I mean, him paying for her rehab and not changing his feelings towards her since the 7th grade even though she got involved with drugs. He is totally the perfect boyfriend. And I dunno about you, but I think he's kinda cute in a way. Watching them together makes me wish I had my own cute-nerd-sweet-like-you-for-who-you-are kinda boyfriend. And he kissed her hand in front of his parents! HOW SWEET IS THAT!!!???

Here are a few pictures of them together.(:


oh and pictures of other characters.(:

Oh I SWEAR I hate Naomi now. Though Jason is HOTTT!!!:D

So glad Annie turned back to normal.


Finally official.<3

Well besides that, i cannot wait for the next Gossip Girl episode. hehee. They look so hot in the pictures for the next episode: "It's a Wonderful Lie"

My OH SO SINFULLY GORGEOUS Ed Westwick.*drools*
(hey, a girl can dream.)

Somehow I hate this outfit of hers. Looks too heavy.
(Don't get me wrong, I love her other outfits.)

Would prefer this dress if it was long in the front.

This pic was just for fun.(:

I know I'm pretty much spoiling everything for y'all who haven't watched the whole of 90210 and wanna wait for the next episode of Gossip Girl, but I really couldn't resist the temptation of showing all these drop dead gorgeous people to everyone else. Sorry though.

Love Love

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tribute to Friends I Love.

It's that sentimental time of year again. Well, not AGAIN, this time it's different. I'm starting to feel the whole "I'm-a-senior-about-to-leave-school" feeling.

I'm gonna dedicate this blog post to those who were really close to me throughout form 4 & 5 in SMK Seri Hartamas. Not to forget my babes from Sekolah Seri Puteri who i absofreakinglutely LOVE to bits as much as i love my new friends. 

I'm gonna make this with short descriptions and thank you notes to each person as if i were to do it in real life and post it in this blog; it would take me a gazillion years to input all my gratitude to each and every one of you guys. Yes, i love you guys THAT much. A zillion years for one person, don't play play wann.

I'm not gonna describe all of you in order or anything coz to me, i love all you guys equally.(:

OKAY; i actuallly took the time to write down the names of everyone in tiny little pieces of paper and i randomly took out one by one out of the box. 

1.Nurfarahi Nabilah

Well, she's been my friend since form 1. We randomly met since we stayed at the same dorm and only grew closer in form 2.(:  we fought many many times before, but all in all, she was and still is one of my bitches. love love love my BelBel and will miss her terribly when she goes back to Pahang and jarang datang KL. btw, her voice; absolutely beautiful.(:

2.Hariharan a/l Arasu

OOKAYYYY. well, Hari and I met only towards the end of last year. How did we end up as close friends? I don't know either. This may seem cheesy but all the close friends I made in Hartamas actually made me feel as if I knew them since like, EVER. I often misunderstand and misinterpret what he has to say, but at the end of the day we manage to straighten things out. Which is awesome. Bitches till the end mann!! Oh we shall all grow up to be successful and work together no matter what job we have in at least one collaboration. For old times sake. KOT. This person has great fashion sense so DO NOT underestimate him! Me hearts Blair Waldorf much!

3.Nurul Azalea! kakakkuuuuu!!

okay Azalea's story might be longer than everyone elses by a little bit, but i promise you it's a good one. She actually added me on Friendster when we were in form 3. I had no idea who she was; & little did i know she lived about 2km from my house? or less.XD 
When i came to Hartamas in form 4, she was among the first people who i started befriending. I only realized she was the girl who added me as her brother Mukhriz was the guy in her picture who I had mistaken as her boyfriend. ZOMG, god forbid. She thought i was some college person and stuff. Ever since i started in that school, many people kept asking if we were related and to stop the incoming questions; we told everyone we were sisters. something like that. Nevertheless i love you tres mucho babyyy.(:

4.Wan Noor Amalyna

OOOHHHHH we go WAAAAYYYYYY back. We were friends since we were in standard 3!:D
Our grandparents are friends and I was the first ever friend of hers to sleepover at her house; what more is there to say? I must say she's one of the friends i've been close to for a very very very long time! and i'm glad i am too! thanks for always being there for me, Am. Despite the 3 year interlude.

5.Siti Syahariyah

Well Shasha and I only met in form 1 and back then; she was known as Shasha Blurr. Later on she became less blurr, but still quite blur. Well Shasha's really goofy and used to get pissed a LOT. But seriously, she's an awesome person once you get to know her. The only problem with her is that she's kurusgilanakmampus tapi she says she's fat. I swear i really wanna kill her for that. and she can say she's not lawa. haihh. nvm nvm. My target after SPM is to boost her level of confidence.

6.Michelle Soong

Michelle. I was introduced to her by Zhafrie. I mean we kinda already knew each other from school, but Zhafrie made us closer in a way. Thanks Zhaf! and it turns out that Michelle isn't scary after all. Yes, i was scared of her in the beginning. She and I grew closer throughout the year full of sarcasm and lameness. I was the lame one, mind you. She's like the Queen of Gothic Punk mannn and i LOVE the way she dresses!!. Anywhoo, i love you EllieBellieSmellie!:D

7.Siti Sabira

Okay to make things short, she was my first friend. Yes, the precious moments of first friendships are truly wonderful. We had our ups and downs, mainly DOWNS; coz of some nasty misunderstanding but when the problem was resolved, we became better friends. Not as close as before, but take it this way. When she wants to go out with me, her mom would say "Baby pergi dengan Alice ke? Kalau Alice mommy tak kisah, you go ahead." her mom trusts me as a good friend. And we should NEVER underestimate the instincts of a mother of three.

8.Nadira Aaraa

Nadira Aaraa. VERY perky. VERY MUCH like Serena Van Der Woodsen. AND OH, she was voted as most flirtatious in the whole of form 5. But hey, being a flirt is not a bad thing and neither is it a sin. People tend to see some people in that way because they are who they really are. Which is a good thing. And getting to know Nadira again after not much history as friends in primary school got me thinking; did i have ALL the friends i wanted in primary school?

9.Aisya Nurjihan

Aisya and I weren't always on the same page. Actually to tell you the truth, i didn't like her in form 1. But then I found out that we share quite a few similar interests. For example, AISYA LOVES TO DANCE. SO DO I!!!! but sadly I didn't really get to know her that well. We only got closer AFTER i left SSP. Nevertheless, i'm grateful for having such a chirpy friend like her.

10.Amira Zahra

Mira. Well Mira is famous for her obsession with JAPAN. and OH, she and Michelle are practically twins but since I didn't write about Michelle's characteristics that much, it still remains a mystery now doesn't it? I'll just keep it that way. Mira was my friend ever since she looked like a very skinny Red Indian tween until the day she looked more mature and pretty which is.. now. I must say she would surely grow up to be a successful Psychologist because she really does give good advice and does make everything a whole lot better. Thanks for being so patient with me babe.(:

11.Nur Zafirah

I met Zhaf as a very loud person who always had the juiciest news at any time of the day. Now, I can tell you that she has completely changed. In a good way that is. She's still noisy but not as noisy as before. And she listens and is more soft spoken which is really cool. She's awesome to hang out with and OH, she really listens to your problems and is always there. No seriously, she's really there. Her house is about 2km from here too. Get what i mean? Well actually she is a good friend pun; noisy or not. That's what is important.

12.Nur Afiqah Sanusi

Piqa!!!! Damn I miss her. She used to wake me up before going to school and I used to wake her up after her short naps during the weekends. And we had these talks at night which was really cool. She's really awesome; you should meet her! The only problem is, whenever I visited SSP, I would at least see the shadow of someone I was close to when I was there. but not her. i NEVER saw her in school. except once when she was having her trials. OH JOY. But Piqa, we seriously need to hang out after SPM! can't wait babe!:D

13.Gan Kok Siang

GAN; the main source of me being brainwashed into being one of the lamest people on the face of the planet. SERIOUSLY, he's like the King of lame. Nevermind, at least i learnt to loosen up during the whole transforming-myself-into-a-lame-person process. I feel happier and more comfortable to be myself now in front of everyone else. See? even the king of lame can turn out to be an inspiration.

14.Rachel Heng

Being a really loud person to begin with, my first impression towards rachel weren't exactly the best i've ever had. When she moved into our class this year, I got to know her better and it turns out that beneath that "i don't care" and very loud character is a very sweet and caring girl. She always wants to know what's wrong and she definitely knows how to help in these situations. I may have known you for only a year, Rachel. But this one year was a damn good year.

15.Priya Kumari Verma

Priya; our very own bollywood bombshell. I seriously love her hair. She can be a bit blur sometimes but it's actually quite fun to hang out with her. She's DAMN smart i tell you. Being friends with Priya for about one year has been fun and she can totally shake that bollywood bootayyy!!:D

16.Raja Khairul

I only realized i used to know him in primary school when someone said his name. I couldn't actually believe it and didn't notice it earlier because he who was a LOT shorter than me has now become a LOT taller than me. But as you know, guys grow a lot during their adolescent years and well, I only met him again in form 4 so yeah, explains the height situation. He's a cool friend to be with and he is no longer as quiet as he was last year and during our primary years; which makes it a whole lot nicer being his friend.

17.Jackson Low

Jackson Low Hoong Wui. Never thought i'd say this but yes, despite being bullied by you throughout the whole year; you're an awesome friend. He is SO DAMN perasan I tell you. But he taught me a song from Jay Chou that i'm still addicted to now. He thinks i read good chinese, and i mean chinese written in normal alphabets for example "Kai Bu Liao Kou". HAHAH i suck at speaking chinese. Anywhoo, you're an awesome dancer la, Charlie Chaplin!

18.Ho Lee 

Hollie. LOL. He's like, the biggest fan of Rihanna that I have ever met. SERIOUS SHITS. He loves everything about her which is awesome coz i'm a fan of hers too. I love annoying him with my chipmunk versions of songs which i apologize for now. But you know what? he's a great friend. And i know that because even when i did something not so pleasant, he still accepted me as his friend.

19.Choo Yi Hui

Choo is a very fatherly kinda guy and he makes you wanna respect him. He doesn't make you as in force you. He just has that businessman kinda vibe going on ya know? He taught me well with the pig ways of saying "sawadikap" and well, he is always going on and on with his philosophies in life which can be annoying sometimes, but useful.(:

20.Wan Nurul Atikah

I was close to Nurul last year when we walked to Desa in the morning just to buy mineral water from 7Eleven. and OH, merentas desa. She's a really good friend to talk to and she gives good advice on things too. OH guess what?! She was new too last year! HAHAH. nvm nvm, makes us have a lot more in common. She is gila pandai okay? And she's a really awesome cheerleader too! SWEAR TO GOD!;)

Well folks, that's all for now. I mean these aren't the only friends that I'm thankful to have met. I love all my friends. and to those not from these two schools, I'll do a blog later later later on. HAHAH. but i still love you guys no matter what kan.(:

OH and i forgot to tell you! I still dunno what course to go for after i get my results later on. I mean i do, but i'll only dream of becoming what i wanna be. AHHH nvm la, i'll get through it. See you tomorrow's tomorrow.(:

adrianna duncan.

I Love My Friends. *Cheesy Much??!!*