Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mixed Emotions; Irrational Confusion?

Frustrated. Hurt. Happy. Sad. Confused. Disappointed. Smitten. Unsure. Insecure. Huge. Sulky. Idiotic. Scared. Worried. Lazy. In conclusion; unsatisfyingly stupid? ALWAYS.

Gonna get a gray persian cat soon. For free. Not a kitten but that works. 

- Come to KL quick. Both the Sarawakian and Kelantanese before I lose my mind. 
- Need more friends. Still love present friends. Need to hang out more with everyone
- Feel very much related to AzzaMunchies
- Want to go to Italy, France and Switzerland
- Need to be more sociable. Need to TRY to be more sociable. 
- Must figure out ambitions and goals. If I have any.
- Anxious to move to new house.
- Need to sell basically everything we own in this house; interested?
- Need more  s  p  a  c  e  in diary. Too much writing.
- I wouldn't mind being imprinted with someone who would actually guard me with his life if that's what imprinting is about.
- Must get laptop fixed A.S.A.P
- Deaest old friends, let's all hang out? SSPians. SSASians too. TKCians. Ianians.XD
- Improve my Chinese.
- Must figure out why i type more than what I plan to show to everyone.
- && most importantly; must stop crying over nothing.

But darling, you're so out of reach. How could I possibly love you for that?

I musn't trust you, you, you, you and you. Enough you(s)? Definitely.

Stop racism, sexism, and any negative ism,


P/S: Told you I'm all mixed up and confusing right now.

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