Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Finally, after weeks of hiding the secret from Nadya, we surprised her last saturday with a belated surprise party.

Thanks to those who made it happen.
Thanks so much to Arif, Adam, Sofea, Mommy and Daddy for contributing so much to making it happen.
Thanks so much Didi, Faiz, Zhafry, Mukhlis, Farhana, Rachael, Brandon, Afiq, Daniel, and Alkaf for coming.
Hope you enjoyed it Nadya!:D
You know we love you so much la sister!

We hope you had a good time yeah!
Here's a toast to you! *raises mug filled with milo*
It was great to see you happy and "threatening" me LOL.

Well, after the party, we headed over to Joe's Hartamas and lepak.
Sent Faiz back after that.
Konvoi hantar Faiz balik. Heheh.
Reached Nadya's place at like 5am.
Slept after Subuh. Haha!

Woke up at like 11.20am to have lunch at Nadya's cousin's house in Klang.
Kak Fern and Abang Rinez were really nice and we had yummy home cooked chicken rice.
Had Mango in coconut milk for dessert.
So nice.
Kak Fern & Abang Rinez punya kids so cuuuteee!!
Luqman, Azlan, Umar and Soraya.
Thanks to the lovely couple for their hospitality and good food!

Kak Tasha, also Nadya's cousin followed us to Nadya's house so there were six of us in the car.
Daddy drove, I sat in front, Mommy, Nadya, Sofea and Kak Tasha sat at the back.
Nadya had to sit on Sofea's lap!
So cute! haha.
Once we got back to Nadya's, munched on some goodies and fell flat on the bed and mampus.
Woke up at 7.30pm then I had to go home.
Oh, well.

Anyschmoos, it was an awesome weekend!
Love you guys!

*i swear all these happy posts are creeping me out*


two happy posts in a row, that's a record!:o

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